Contemporary poets were invited to select a poem from our literary heritage and respond to it in any way they wished. “Answering Back” is the resulting anthology.
In this day school, we shall be discussing a selection from the anthology, both the original poem and the new ‘answer’ and considering how the latter responds to the former. Does it, for example, echo, transform, tease, pay homage or subvert? Most of the contemporary poets chose to respond to 19th or 20th century poems, and the plan is to look at approximately 10 pairings, including poets such as Edward Thomas/Gillian Clarke, Edna St. Vincent Millay/Roger McGough, Philip Larkin/Vicki Feaver, Elizabeth Bishop/Ruth Fainlight and WB Yeats/Billy Collins. John Donne may also make a guest appearance!
Copies of the poems will be provided.