You may not have to pay the course fee if you are:

  1. Claiming Job Seeker’s Allowance
  2. Claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in the Work Related Activity Group
  3. Claiming Universal Credit and earn less than £338 per month or household earns less than £541 per month
  4. Claiming or are dependent on someone who claims Council Tax Reduction (not single occupancy discount)
  5. Claiming Working Tax Credit
  6. Claiming Income Support
  7. Claiming Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) in the Support Group
  8. Claiming or are dependent on someone who claims Housing Benefit
  9. Claiming Pension Guarantee Credit
  10. Claiming Asylum in the UK. As an Asylum Seeker you will need to have been a resident in the UK for six months or longer, have an Application Registration Card (ARC) or Standard Acknowledgement letter (SAL) and a current Asylum Support Agreement from UK Visas and Immigration
  11. Unwaged and dependent on somebody in receipt of one of the above benefits (excluding Council Tax Reduction and Housing Benefit).


Please confirm details when booking a course and bring proof of your status when you enrol for the first time.